Backrooms Level -0.1: "Wisp Corridors"

Level -0.1 gained the nickname, "Wisp Corridors", because of its dreamlike, otherworldly qualities. The whole level has a luminescent ethereal quality. One of the most iconic entities on this level is the glowing, ethereal wisps.


This level of intertwining hallways contains self-lit corridors pulsing with soft, almost bioluminescent light. Wisps like those of ancients mariner legends have found their home on this level, an may indicate an exit to somewhere on the high seas of the Frontrooms. Even the floor shares the same bioluminescent glow, begging the question, "Is this whole level alive?"


The Wisp Corridors have a slight humid nature, along with an odd, faint smell of ozone. A hum permeates this level, like that of the Lobby, but this hum has more of an air of distant wind chimes. The luminescent walls add a comforting warmth despite the slight chill of the unheated air. Any lengthy corridors fade into a distant glowing mist.

Backrooms Level -0.1: 'Wisp Corridors'


  • From Level -0: Look carefully at the distant mists on level -0. Occasionally, portals to Level -0.1 appear in the distance, though their ephemeral nature causes them to vanish before reaching them, if you do not take them at a sprint.


  • To Level 0: Look for short dead end corridors. Sometimes these will noclip you to Level 0 (The Lobby).
  • To Level -0: Touching a Wisp often generates a noclip event that sends you to Level -0.


Wisps: Wisps appear everywhere in this level. They seem sentient, but don't obey orders and ignore travelers when they themselves are left alone.

Object Interactions:

  • Walls: It's best not to touch the walls of this level for extended periods of time. Physical contact with walls creates a momentary, pleasurable, tingling sensation that quickly leads to your hand and arm falling to sleep. Touching the walls also leaves behind a temporary glowing handprint or fingerprint. Luckily, travelers normally wear shoes, or the same would happen with the floor.
  • Wisps: Wisps ignore travelers, unless the traveler gets in the way of the Wisp, or threatens the wisp. Touching wisps can cause a noclip event, leading the traveler to another level of the Backrooms.

Known Strategies/Precautions:

  • Don't touch the walls are floors with bare skin, because your arm of leg will fall asleep, leading to reduced and painful mobility.
  • Investigate short, dead-end corridors when looking for a way out of this level.
  • Only interact with Wisps when you seek a quick exit from this level.