Backrooms Level -0.2: Subliminal Threshold

Subliminal Threshold, also known as Level -0.2, merges reality and dream, illusions and haunting whispers. This level seems like a dream or a hallucination.


Imagine a dream-scape populated by your deepest, hidden desires. Level -0.2 ebbs and flows with wish fulfillment from the traveler’s desires and emotions. The walls, floor, and ceiling of Subliminal Threshold look like an iridescent liquid, until they begin displaying the traveler’s desires. The transformation is instantaneous. One moment, you see the iridescent, liquid-like halls of Level -0.2, and then next moment sun-dappled meadows or chaotic cityscapes appear. Traveler's favorite memories can appear in vivid detail, without notice. All of this seduces the traveler into non-activity. Many travelers have died happily of hunger or thirst, fixated on the mirages of the Subliminal Threshold.


Serenity rules Level -0.2. All dreams and illusions lead to peaceful feelings. The temperature and humidity is perfect for every traveler, no matter their inclinations—another of this level’s illusions. When the iridescent walls display themselves, distant, barely discernible whispers and sounds echo in the distance.

Backrooms Level -0.2: Subliminal Threshold


  • From Level -0.1: Meditation or a state of near sleep on level -0.1 often results in noclipping to Level -0.2. Many travelers describe nearly falling asleep on level -0.1 and then jolting awake suddenly onto Level -0.2.


  • To Level -0.1: Escape from Level -0.1 involves dreaming up your exit. The traveler immerses themselves in the real (or imagined) memory and emotion associated with Level -0.2, and suddenly the traveler finds themselves noclipping to Level -0.2.


Illusions: Sentient illusions inhabitant this level of the Backrooms. They appear as manifestations a traveler’s memories, desires, or dreams. Illusions lull the traveler into a state of peace and relaxation, to the point that they don’t think to eat, drink or sleep. No one knows for certain why Illusions play these deadly games with travelers. Some say that Illusions know they don’t have any real power in the physical world, and these tricks help them feel more powerful.

Object Interactions:

  • Illusions: They have no substance. A traveler touching an illusions will find their hand passing through the illusion as if it does not exist.

Known Strategies/Precaution:

  • Control your emotions and desires. Keep them bottled up. Proper discipline prevents the Illusions from tricking you.
  • When illusions do appear, keep in mind they don’t exist.
  • Escape to Level -0.1 involves you making it your greatest dream. The Illusions can be tricked into revealing the way, because they can’t resist showing their one power.
  • Escape to other levels from this level might work if the desire or dream becomes vivid enough, but few have succeeded in traveling to other levels from this level.